Monday, April 21, 2008

6 Strategies for Happiness - Mind Map

Living a happy and successful life has more to do than the act of just smiling and cultivating an optimistic attitude, it rather comes down to some essential factors that we all must cultivate into our psyche in order to achieve a Utopian state of happiness and being. These 6 key factors presented within this mind map will keep you on track and focused on the most important aspects of your life, while making sure that the little things never get the better of you. Stick to these principles, cultivate them into your daily life and habits, and keep them at the forefront of your mind on a daily basis - at home and at work - and a state of unbridled happiness will ripple feelings of ecstasy and peace throughout your body.

To read the full post and to download this Mind Map desktop wallpaper background, please visit the Study Matrix Blog.

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